About ISA Bangalore
About ISA Bangalore
The International Society of Automation – Bangalore (ISA-B) is a section under the Asia Pacific District G of ISA, head quartered in USA. The Bangalore Section has about 300 members from different segments of the industry as well as the Academia. ISA Bangalore is the local resource and networking hub to connect with like-minded professionals, learn about new technologies, and contribute talent towards building the next generation of automation professionals.
The section organises technical conference sessions, techTalks from industry leading resources, training programs, exhibitions, and social events. As a part of the initiative from ISA headquarters it offers scholarships to deserving local students, organize efforts to contribute to the local community, and provide networking opportunities. ISA Bangalore pioneers in bringing the academia and the industry closer than ever before.
ISA Bangalore Section, brings to you various annual events in different industry verticals with a clear focus on Automation & Digitalisation strategies, which brings together the End Users, Automation Service Providers, Consultants and Policy Makers on a single platform to help digitally transform and automate the pharma and Life Sciences industry.
ISA Bangalore team have successfully conducted various national and international level Conferences and Seminars in the past with participation of committed volunteers, who are industry professionals. Few of the events conducted:
About ISA
About ISA
 Vision, Mission & Values
 Vision, Mission & Values
Aspirational statement of how the organisation will impact the future “Create a better world through Automation”
The reason we exist, who we serve, how we do it better than anyone else “Empowering the global automation community through standards and knowledge sharing”
Enduring, passionate core beliefs about how we should do business
Excellence ● Diversity and inclusion ● Professionalism ● Integrity ● Collaboration
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